Sunday, December 13, 2009

5 months old

Emma weighed 18 lb. 1 oz. on Dec. 8 when she turned 5 months old. Time is going fast now. She is learning new skills every day. She still rolls from tummy to back but not back to tummy. I think she realized that once she is on her back she is stuck there so she doesn't do it all the time.

She has been practicing different sounds. It started out as a sweet "haaa, haa" for a few days, then a deep "huuuh, huuh", then a really high pitched squeal. We heard each of them often. We prefer any of them over the high pitched one. She does all of them now. It will be fun when she starts saying sounds like "ba" or "ma" or "da".

She has giggled but it takes a lot to make our little one giggle. And we try. Here is a video of me trying to get her to giggle. She does eventually. Be patient :)

Emma is wanting everything now. I can't drink or eat anything without her grabbing for it. One of her favorite "toys" is an empty water bottle. She also likes newspaper or any paper for that matter.

She seems very interested in food. Plus, she is almost sitting up on her own. These are 2 suggested requirements before starting solids. We plan to start her out on rice cereal in January when she is 6 months old.

She has been cranky and drooling and putting everything in her mouth. She sucks on her pointer/index finger instead of sucking on her thumb. We think she may be teething. Her bottom front gums are hard and she likes frozen teethers or my finger rubbing her gums.

Our little cuddle bug sleeps through the night a few times a week. Sometimes she wakes up every 2 hours, sometimes every 4. Other times a 5 hour spurt. Recently she slept an 8 hour night. Yay!

Miss Emma wiggles her feet almost all the time. She likes to look at them and is noticing her hands more. Not only looking at her hands but noticing what they can do and what she can make them do.

Our baby girl loves the dog, Emmitt. She is learning to pet him. She also likes to poke his eyes and pull his ears and hair. He takes it well. He loves licking her hands when we let him. Here is a video of them having "fun".

Emma has a bit of cradle cap so we are working on that. A lot of her hair has fallen out other than a thicker area at the nape of her neck. It is starting to come back now, so it will be fun to see the color and thickness. Both Blake and I have thick hair. She still has blue eyes.

Her chin and cheeks have turned red. I thought maybe she was getting dry skin from drooling. I'm not sure. I've been reading about Fifths Disease too. She seems like she had some of the symptoms of either that or teething. So, as a mom I have learned to say a lot, who knows!?

Our little one seems to want to get places. She is doing pre-crawling movements so we better start childproofing the house!

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