Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Emma had her 15 month appointment and shots today. She weighed 23 lbs. and is 30.5 inches. She is about 50th percentile of both. I'm wondering if they use a chart based on breastfeeding or formula feeding. There is a difference I have heard and that they are trying to have doctors use specific ones for each situation. I'll have to ask next time.

Of course, she didn't show off any of her new speech abilities. She did kiss the air in Dr. Greek's direction when I said she blows kisses. ha! He got a kick out of that. She wouldn't even wave or say bye bye. She just wanted to sit in our laps and snuggle with us. This is not what she does at home but she was in a pretty unfamiliar place. Oh well.

Her language is coming along. She is really working on it. I suppose she has mastered a lot of the physical things now she is concentrating on talking. She says Emma, Emmitt, bih-ee (itsy bitsy), meh (milk, along with the sign), dada, mama, mommy, saw (sock), bu (bunny, book, Bob the tomato, belly button), mmmm (tomatoes-her favorite food), bye bye, tee (teeth), ma (mouth), knee, neigh neigh (horse), woof woof (puppy), something that sounds like "flee" (pretty or flower or pretty flower), and probably others that I can't think of. But she tries to say things and wants us to repeat words and she will look at our mouths to see how it is said. She also walks around jibber jabbering. I love it...so cute.

She still walks/runs all over. Climbs stairs-up and down. Plays with the dog. Likes to be chased. Likes to feed Emmitt sometimes. Enjoys the church nursery - no fussing when left, no goodbye either!

Loves. Loves. Loves. Books. I catch her reading all. the. time. She really looks at the books and points at really detailed parts of pictures.

She amazes us. We thank God that He has entrusted us with her.