Friday, August 20, 2010

A little over a year

Taken on her 1 -year birthday

"A little over a year" is what Blake likes to tell people when they ask how old Emma is right now. I say 13 months. Both are right.

I kick myself for not updating when she turned a year but I think it will be ok. I think part of it is that Emma has just become a part of every day life. That her walking isn't as big of a deal to us or her climbing stairs. It is more the little things that I get to notice every day.

She hugs stuffed animals and Emmitt often. She looks at us to notice her being "kind" and "gentle."

Emma weighed 22 lb 10 oz (75th) and was 28 inches long (25th) at her 1 year old appointment. We've got a shorty! Dr. Greek was quite impressed by her (walking since 10 months, signing, etc.). He is not concerned about her language at all. He said she is communicating as he saw her signing. She pretty much only said "dada" and "hay" for hi at the time. In the past week she has tried saying "pup" for puppy and "buh" for book and "mom". So it'll come.

Emma is pretty independent. She doesn't sit for long. She loves looking at books and reading with us. She'll read to the dog some. He doesn't appreciate being "given" the book very much though. Sometimes she'll lay on her belly and look at a book.

She still likes to put her hands over the sides of the highchair to "show"/give food to the dog. If she really likes something she doesn't always think of giving him any. This week she has really enjoyed spaghetti with meat sauce. A little messy, but yummy.

She usually wakes up only once to eat at night. Other than a couple colds/teething issues lately she sleeps pretty good. She doesn't really get sleepy very early in the evening. I can tell she tries to keep herself awake too. She keeps moving and fidgets even while nursing. Sometimes it takes her awhile to wind down but nursing helps with that.

Breastfeeding...we are still going strong. I'm so glad that we made it a year. My plan has been to try to wean between a year and a year and a half. Her personality is such that that might not happen but 2 years is my max I think. It is a very special thing and it will be a bittersweet time. We haven't given her cows milk yet due to my sensitivity to dairy and she has had some runny nose/colds issues recently. She is almost well so almost time to try. She eats yogurt and cheese on a regular basis so it will be interesting to see her taste milk. This may change her breastfeeding amount. We'll see. Dr. Greek was encouraging about breastfeeding up to 2 years.

Emma and I went to the base in July and went to the toddler and parent time at the gym indoor pool with my sister April. It was just us 3 and the lifeguards. Emma was tentative. She didn't like when I would bounce in the deeper water. Eventually she glided her hand in the water. Then we went to the shallower end and she played with some of the toys.

I know I am her mother and supposed to love her but I can't get over how much I do. She amazes me every day. Frustrates me too but that is all part of her personality. Now what do we do to gear it all toward good choices?!

Yesterday we went to the lake with Blake and his co-workers and clients. We didn't bring her swimsuit but she loved the sand. She grabbed it, flung it, and kept working her hands in it. She giggled and smiled while doing this. I put her down in the water and she wanted to sit in it so she did. As other times she has been in a pool she is fine with it but doesn't want to stay long.

Oh yeah! She has been laughing since her first birthday party where the grandmas were laughing and she wanted to join in. It sounded pretty fake for awhile but she gets some real giggles in there. One of the most sweet sounds in the world!

At the lake she was waving to everyone. She is very friendly after she warms up for a few minutes and checks her surroundings. It really doesn't take her long which I think is quite the opposite of me when I was young. Emma was center of attention quite a bit. She hams it up with her facial expressions too.

There were 2 other ones around her age there too. Both boys. I think she was the more aggressive or assertive of the three! I keep saying she is going to be the bully but I should stop. I don't want her to live up to that. Even in my belly I called her "fiesty".

Emma kept pointing to the dog there but was cautious when around it. It shocked us because she pokes and climbs all over Emmitt. We are glad she differentiated and was cautious. I had to get over my "cautiousness" and show her it was ok to pet this one too. Then she did a little bit.

Emma loves being outside. Our front yard is slanted so it makes it a little unstable for her to walk but she's gotten used to it now. We walk on the sidewalk a lot. She sometimes fusses for about 30 seconds if we come in before she is ready. She's getting better about that. Level of tiredness determines how long she fusses.

I can't end on that note! ha! We pretty much have given Emma most foods since she turned one. Of course no fish, honey, etc. She likes seasoned food. No plain noodles or hamburger for this girl. I wonder if craving tacos for a lot of the pregnancy had anything to do with it. Plus, she tastes whatever I eat in the breastmilk and I like spicy and seasoned food. I think if she had a choice she would eat fruits and vegetables all day though.

I love to see Emma and Blake together. They have such a bond, closeness. I love that she has that especially since I didn't with my own dad. They have spent a lot of time together since the beginning: diapering, snuggling, bathing, giggling, clothing, playing, reading, feeding, etc. I've noticed that she will go to him when she gets hurt or something too. Not just me. And she calms down with him. So doesn't always need mama which is good. They have some good times together when I am gone shopping or for Pampered Chef shows.

Emma still really loves music. I will ask her if she wants to hear music and she will position herself in front of the tv (we have some music channels) and gets ready to dance and clap. Sometimes me singing is the only way she will lay down for a diaper change without flipping herself over to try to get away. She enjoyed playing piano with April at the farm and at her house on base.

We have realized that Emma understands more than what we think. I say we are going for a ride she points to the stroller. I ask if she wants something to eat, she signs eat. I say we are going on a trip, she gets her shoes. I say it is time for a nap or nigh nigh and she lays down in my lap.

I mentioned to Blake's co-workers at the lake that Emma likes to pair things up. She will pair her shoes, carry two flowers, two butterflies, two socks, two blocks together. I said that I think she is either OCD or smart. They think she is "brilliant". I liked that! ha!