Sunday, October 25, 2009

Rock and Roll

Emma likes to bring things to her mouth so we gave her a baby washcloth which she can grab easily and bring to her mouth easily.

Carlos, a co-worker during college at the library, came to GF for a visit.

Emma on her ocean gym with her cutie patootie bibs. Made me think of Auntie Jill when she wore bibs when she was pregnant.

Still prefers to sleep all cuddled up to Mommy or, in this case, Daddy.

Waking up in her crib.

Emma has rolled from belly to back twice this week. Once when I laid her on her floor ocean gym. Another was in her crib during the night. She didn't like that too much! Her arms were flailing, crying, etc. That is why she sleeps on her belly-no flailing arms. She has slept in her bed for the night (waking up some, of course) about 4-5 nights now. She's doing great. She just doesn't like to go to bed and stay in bed very early. That will come. She naps well and she does well during the night once it is about 11-11:30 or so. I keep thinking we will miss this time of her being a baby so I'm trying to be patient (doesn't always work).

Here she is after she rolled over that one time so I tried to capture the next one. She never did it again and kept doing this...

She is growing so fast. We tried to weigh her last night (Sat.) but she was wiggling and happened to pee on the scale. It registered close to 15.5 lbs. But we are not real sure. She grows out of her clothes pretty quickly.

We quit using the cloth diapers. They were so big she was growing out of her clothes even faster than with disposables. They would leak often so we had to wash more clothes, bedding too. We had to take them apart, wash them, and put them back together so often. When she was sick for so long I just was getting a little too stressed out and gave up on the cloth diapers. So, if you know of anyone who likes to use the Fuzzi Bunz pocket diapers, size medium, let me know.

Emma enjoys songs or nursery rhymes. She likes Itsy Bitsy Spider, This is the Day, Jesus Loves Me, Head and Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. She smiles a lot. She really looks at us when we laugh and at our lips when we talk.

She loves to "stand" on our laps. She looks so proud of herself. She is very strong...her legs, neck, arms, etc.

She's our cuddle bug.

Here she is laying on her ocean gym playing with the octopus.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Still Stuffy

Emma still has a stuffy nose. I talked to a nurse again. She said it probably would be worse to bring Emma in since there is so much flu going around. But I got some saline nose spray/drops to help. They have helped but she still gets mildly stuffed up. She still has a cough but seems a little better. Slowly but surely she will get better.

Emma tends to stick her tongue out a lot. I'm not sure why. Maybe she is teething and it feels good on her gums. Here are a couple pictures of her doing just that.

She can lift her head really well. Plus, this (in below videos) is one of my favorite outfits for her. It says "My sunshine" and is a shirt and pant set. She is also showing beginning stages of rolling over but she hasn't yet.

The next video is of Emma and Emmitt.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

3 months old

Emma turned 3 months old on my 31st birthday (Oct. 8). We went to Paradiso. She looked around for quite awhile. Then we got our food and she decided she didn't want anything to do with toys, mommy milk in a bottle, or sitting down. So, we took turns standing up and holding her while the other quickly ate. No sombrero for me which I wasn't too sad about. :)

She now weighs 14 lbs. 10.5 oz. (almost twice her birth weight of 7 lbs. 11.6 oz.)

Here are pics of us on that day. Do all babies have so many facial expressions?

Emma is still sick. We think she might have had a cold and then caught Blake's cold so she didn't have a break. She is really stuffed up. Poor girl. She is still pretty smiley during the day and napping well. Nighttime is difficult. I have called the nurse once and the doctor-on-call twice. We might take her to the doctor tomorrow. Her eye started watering yesterday and was gunky this morning.

Last week she started to notice her feet. Here is a video of her looking at them.

Here is a snippet of Blake reading a book to her. She is starting to be real interested in books after we've shown them to her a couple times.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Our family

Our family

Now that it is cooler weather we needed to get the cozy carseat cover out.

We need to put a bow in her hair when she wears her "ducky" outfit. That will lessen confusion and help others not feel bad about mistaking her for a boy in yellow. :) This picture also shows how she can hold her head up pretty well.

Emma is getting quite big. We weighed her about a week ago and she was 13 lbs. 13 oz. She smiles A LOT even though she isn't in any of the above pictures! ha

She's been napping really well by herself in her crib. She slept one night in her crib by herself. Then she got a cold, so she's still with us. I am glad that she's transitioning to her bed pretty well. After she is done with her cold she will be back in her bed. Through this transition she has started sucking on her hands more. She can't quite get just her thumb in her mouth. Whatever she wants to do. I'm not going to encourage or discourage her from sucking on her hands, fingers, or thumbs.

2-3 weeks ago we started using the Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers. We like them and we dislike them. ha! I like that they are simple to put on and I like the snaps instead of velcro. We like not having as much going into the trash and money going to buy diapers. But we need to wash them and put the inserts in them quite often. Plus, some of her clothes don't fit as well as if she wore disposables, which are not as thick. We haven't decided if we will go back to disposables after she has outgrown these. These are size medium. "They" say potty training is easier if you use cloth, so we'll see when the time comes.

The other day I looked at her and told her all the things she is so I will repeat it here. She is a good listener, a good observer, eater, a good smiler, sleeper, pooper, snuggler, kicker, talker, etc.

She has started to put her hands together. It looks like she's praying.

On Thursday (Oct. 8) she will be 3 months old on my 31st birthday. How special!

We enjoy our Emma.