Thursday, November 5, 2009

Our little pony

On Oct. 31 we went to Riverside Christian School for their Funanza. Emma dressed up as a horse.

Emma is still as smiley as ever. She lifts her head and chest up while leaning on her hands. She loves for me to hold her hands when she is lying down. Then she wants me to pull her to a sitting position and all the way up until she is standing. I'm only holding onto her hands. She looks so proud of herself.

We weighed her about a week ago and she was 16 lbs. 4 oz. Getting big!

She has rolled a couple more times from belly to back, but she doesn't realize how to do it.

Emma slept through the night Nov. 6. I put her down to bed (Nov. 5) at about 11:30. She woke up at midnight to finish eating. I woke up and checked on her once. Next thing I knew she was waking up at about 6am. yay!

We are really enjoying interacting with her now. She is grabbing for things. She likes to bring anything she grabs to her mouth...links, books, blankets, and other toys (bunny, elephant, rattle). We have a plush Larry the cucumber by her head on her changing pad. She grabs it and tries to put the hard-plastic eyes in her mouth. She's quite ravenous about it. It is funny.

She's not a newborn anymore...

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