Wednesday, July 22, 2009

2 weeks

Today is Emma's due date. I am so glad that she is 2 weeks old instead of me being pregnant and wondering and waiting.

She had her 2 week appointment with Dr. Greek today. She is 7 lb. 8 oz. She was 7 lb. 11.6 oz. at birth so she is doing well, especially since she lost over 10% of her weight in the hospital. She is 25th percentile in weight and height.

She has red splotches/rash type redness all over her body. Dr. Greek saw it yesterday and today. He said it was some type of big words that I can't remember but basically she has sensitive skin. We just need to be careful with detergents, etc. - no perfumes, etc. We are careful about that anyway.

She may have some colic. She cries when she has to have a bowel movement/gas, so the other evening we gave her some mylocon drops (gas drops) and that seemed to help. A couple nights/days that wasn't really fun for anybody, but she did great last night without any drops.

Her hair is starting to stick up more and lighten and isn't as thick.

She loves cuddling and sleeping on our chests. I love when she pulls up her feet and tucks them under. She's a sweet bundle like that.


sunshinejill said...

I love when those babies pull up their legs and get all curled up and cozy! Good to hear what you guys are up to! Love you all so much! :)

bobbi simmons said...

addy had those big rashes etc...she grew out of it right away. although both girls do have very sensitive...they have grown out of it!